Saturday, February 26, 2011

a day in the life

playing with animal crackers,

poking cameras into my puppy's face,

losing a game of backgammon, 

looking at strange plants,

watching my mom latchhook,

and being the obnoxious one to put pepper into the candles at dinner parties,

It's been a nice day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

late-night snacks

My strange addiction to baking at night.

I don't like chocolate, so  I made blondie cupcakes, which are basically brownies without the 'brown',
hence the name blondies.
They have a brown sugar taste to them, and I added white chocolate chips.
And everyone knows that the edges are the best,
so why not make them cupcakes and make each bite an edge pieces?
They were extremely sweet and delicious with vanilla ice cream. c:

Hello there, brother.

These were for single's awareness day.
Puff pastry with egg wash topped with strawberry filling.
I made pastry cream to go in it, but completely forgot it until they came out of the oven.
So it died in a bowl in my refridgerator.
 it was good too.

(cries over loss of pastry cream)

Monday, February 21, 2011

a full blown crush

Hello internet.
I'm Rachel, and I started this blog at 1:31 AM on February 22nd, 2011, for the record.

I have a thing for hair.
A full blown crush, even.

o1: dutch braids
o2: inspired by Lady Gaga's hair bow
o3: "bird's nest hair
o4: the birds in my "nest"

alright, first blog post.
it's small, but it's a start!